Fan Art

by @kit_draws

by Bin Davenport

by Lucy Parker

by @EileMonty

by Paul Gatenby

by Anon

by Paul Savage

by Bin Davenport
The Jollyboat Crew

A major advantage of playing geeky comedy songs is that you get to meet other awesome nerds, play boardgames and make terrible puns. To hang out with us and our awesome geek fans, join us in the Facebook Fan Community.
You can also like our Facebook page, and get in touch with Ed and Tommy through Twitter.
Fan-crafted Magic Items
This page is a tribute to all the cool stuff fans have made for us. Somebody also once made us some custom Jollyboat underwear, but we... er... lost them.

Dragon Eggs
By Kate Stevenson. In tribute to our Khaleesi/ Daenerys song.

Duckbunny Cut-out
By Poppy Pembleton. In tribute to our 'Dungeons and Dragons' song. So Cute!

Pirate Giftbox
By Daniel Nye. Daniel's pirate giftbox included the most sublime rum, as well as house decorations!

Jollyboat Mug
By Bin 'Dangerous' Davenport. Bin one-upped her art by putting it on mugs!

Wenchified T-shirt
By Kate Stevenson (again!). This masterwork of a t-shirt is extra wenchy!

Tommy & Ed Dolls
By Lissa Rocha Herron. Lissa turned up to JollyCon with these amazing knitted dolls.